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- Trevor Jinks sent us many beautiful Insects and Spiders pictures. We put
those pictures in this and other page. Trevor
was living in Gold Coast and is now living in North
- Wasp mimic, hoverfly or beefly?

- These little guys have been hanging around near my front door on the Gold
Coast working through the flowers. They are very small, about half the size
of the black banded hoverfly which is also around in numbers at the moment.
The abdomen almost appears to be on a ball and socket joint and they drop it
down when they come to rest. Can you ID it for me. Feel free to use the
pictures if you want for your web site. The second picture is a Jade plant
- (They are Hoverflies.)
- 10 June, 2008
- Bug ID Help if you can please
![what2[1].jpg (40549 bytes)](images/what21_small.jpg)
- I came across this weird guy walking around the edge of a mud puddle in my
driveway. It moved with a rocking motion and was about 8mm long. If you can
ID this it would be much appreciated. I thought perhaps it may be a nymph
stage of some kind of hopper?
- (It is Flatid Planthopper
- 24 May, 2008
- Spider or something else. ID challenge
![ah-kerk-argahghah[1].jpg (92823 bytes)](images/ah-kerk-argahghah1_small.jpg)
Hope you don't mind me calling upon your knowledge like this but I am
wondering if you can possibly identify what critter this Silver Eye is
feeding to her young. I thought perhaps a tent spider of some sort but can't
find anything with the colouration, assuming that it is a spider of course.
Sorry the quality of the photo is not that great but I hope it is enough for
you to ID it for me.
- 20 March, 2008
- (It is the St Andrew's Cross
- Attached is the full frame resized and cleaned up a bit. Glad you find my
pictures useful. Thanks for the ID, the image wpe4.jpg on that page looks
almost identical to the markings on this poor snack.
- 21 March, 2008
- Can you ID this butterfly

- Today I photographed these butterflies in mating position. When I saw
them in flight and when they first came to rest I thought they were Common
Crow but I am unsure as to the actual ID given the strong orange colour on
the underside of the wings. Do you know which species they are?
- 15 March, 2008
- (They are the Swamp Tiger.)
- Garden Orb Weaver Pattern
![gowpattern[1].jpg (61744 bytes)](images/gowpattern1_small.jpg)
Thank you for your invaluable resource page on Brisbane
Spiders and Insects. I photographed this Garden Orb Weaver outside my front
door and thought you may like the picture to add to your page on patterns as
this highly defined single stripe appears a bit different to anything shown.
Gold Coast near Beenleigh, 12 March, 2008
- Fly Species
- Hi, I am wondering if you know the species of fly in the attached pic.
They appear to be the same family even though one was brown tones and the
other blue. They are both about 6-7mm long and are very unconcerned with
cameras being very close.
- Gold Coast, 13 April, 2007
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