Notodontid Moths
Gum Notodontid Moth
Banksia Notodontid Moth
Wattle Notodontid Moth
Processionary Caterpillar 
Brown Ring Epicoma Moth
Yellow Spot Epicoma Moth
Common Epicoma Moth
Black Spot Moth
White Epicoma Moth
Sparshalli Moth
Unknown Notodontid


Prominents, Bag-shelter Moths, Processionary Caterpillars - Family Notodontidae 

This page contains pictures and information about moths and caterpillars in family Notodontidae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
A Notodontid male moth 
Noctuoidea is the second largest superfamily in the Australian Lepidoptera (Gelechioidea is the largest). It includes the Notodontidae, Lymantriidae, Arctiidae, Aganaidae, Noctuidae and a few more families. Family Notodontidae is discussed in this page. 
The adult moths in family Notodontidae are from medium to large size, with stout body. The head, thorax and legs are often covered with long hair. The fore wings are usually elongated-triangular form. The hind wings are usually no-patterned, round and much shorter than the fore wings. They rest their fore wings folded roof-wise above the abdomen, with fore wings cover entirely the hind wings. They are active at night.
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Hairy head and thorax                                           Caterpillars of  Notodontinae                              Caterpillars of  Thaumetopoeidae
There are two subfamilies in Notodontidae, the NOTODONTINAE and the THAUMETOPOEINAE. The adult moths are similar in the two subfamilies but the eggs and caterpillars are very different. Most caterpillars in this family feed on leaves of woody shrubs and tress.

Subfamily NOTODONTINAE - Prominents

Most Caterpillars of  Notodontinae will raise their head and/or tail when disturbed, some will display the eye-spots. Some of them are hairy but most are smooth with few spines. They are usually colourful and actively feeding during the day. Most of them feed on leaves. The adult moths are similar to the subfamily Thaumetopoeinae below but the eggs and caterpillars are very different.

Subfamily THAUMETOPOEINAE - Bag-shelter Moths, Processionary Caterpillars

Some reference put this subfamily as Family Thaumetopoeidae. Caterpillars in this subfamily have very dense hairs. They live together in shelter of silk, i.e. their common name Bag-shelter Moth caterpillar. They feed in group and sometime form processionary group to move to other locations, i.e., their another common name Processionary Caterpillars. The adult moths are similar to the subfamily Notodontinae above but the eggs and caterpillars are very different.

1. NOTODONTIDAE of Australia - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2011. 
2. Moths of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press, 1990, p417.
3. Moths of Australia - Bernard D'Abrera, Lansdowne Press, Melbourne, 1974, p70.
4. A Guide to Australian Moths - Paul Zborowski, Ted Edwards, CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2007, p173.
5. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
6. Moths of Victoria: part two, Tiger moths and allies Noctuoidea (A) - Peter Marriott, Entomological Society of Victoria, 2009.  


Notodontinae ] Thaumetopoeinae ]

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Last updated: October 09, 2011.