Field Guide
Questions for Discussion

Crickets and Katydids

Green-legged Matchstick
Green-body Matchstick
Brown-striped Matchstick
Mottled Matchstick 
Common Pyrgomorph
Musgrave's Psednura
Green Grass Pyrgimorph
Diving Grasshopper
Creek Grasshopper
Garden Bermius
Common Gesonula
Rice Grasshopper
Beautiful Methiola
Little Black-knees
Bicoloured Cedarinia
Eastern Inland Cedarinia
Peakesia Grasshopper
Apotropina & Perbelliina 
Epallia Grasshopper
Cooloola Shortwing
Wingless Grasshopper 
Mimetic Gumleaf Ghopper
Black-kneed Gum leaf Ghopr
Slender Gumleaf Ghopper
Gumleaf Grasshopper
Common Pardillana
Common Adreppus
Pale Stem Grasshopper  
Bark-mimicking Ghopper I
Bark-mimicking Ghopper II
Macrotona & Maclystriina
Handsome Macrotona
False Perloccia
Green-legs Grasshopper 
Spur-throated Locust
Giant Grasshopper
Froggatt's Buzzer
Golden Bandwing
Giant Green Slantface
Long-legged Bandwing 
Yellow-winged Locust 
Creek Pygmy Grasshopper
Forest Pygmy Grasshopper 
Unidentified Ghoppers 


Grasshoppers, Crickets and Katydids

Order Orthoptera

This page contains pictures and information about Grasshoppers, Crickets and Katydids that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
"Hi, welcome to have a closer look on Grasshoppers."  
Grasshoppers, crickets and katydids are in Order Orthoptera. Their size ranges from 5mm to 100mm. Most of them have the hind legs highly developed, much stronger and larger than the other four legs. They are good in jumping. The adults insects have four wings, the front wings, knows as tegmina, is tough and narrow when compare with the hind wings. At rest, the hind wings folded like a fans, covered and protected by the tegmina. The flight is mainly achieved by the broadly opened membranous hind wings and the tegmina will give only little help. More about insects structure can be found in this page.
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They are incomplete metamorphosis and their young, the nymphs, look much the same as their adults excepts smaller and wingless. Later instars have wing buds but still cannot fly.   
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Notice the tympanum, which is the grasshopper's hearing organ. 
Many species in this order can sing by stridulation. Males use sound to attract females. For most species sound is produced by rubbing modified portions of the forewings together. A good example of how cricket makes those sound can be found in this page.
To quickly identify the grasshopper you found, try our Field Guide page. 

Classification :

In the Orthoptera Order, the are two suborder: the Suborder Ensifera and Suborder Caelifera, each of which contains a numbers of families. Followings are the list of families that we found up to this moment. 
Suborder Ensifera - Crickets and Katydids
Members in this Suborder have very long antennae, some may be several times of their body length. The auditory organs located on the fore legs. Their stridulation are produced by the mechanisms on the base of their forewings. The females usually have long ovipositors extended from the end of their abdomen.

Suborder Caelifera 
This suborder includes the short-horned grasshoppers, grasshoppers and locust. Members in this suborder have the antennae not very long. Most species feed on grass and low bushes. The auditory organs are on the first segment of their abdomen. They produce their love song, the stridulation, by lateral part of their forewings. Females normally larger than males and with short ovipositors.
Family EUMASTACIDAE - Morabine Grasshoppers
Most members in this family are wingless. They are usually very elongated and narrow. They are well camouflaged and hide in the plants. 
Family PYRGOMORPHIDAE - Pyrgomorphs
This family is very close related with the Family ACRIDIDAE and sometimes put under ACRIDIDAE as the subfamily. They are medium in size. Usually they hide in grasses, not quite jump or fly. Protection simply relies on   their camouflage colour.  
Family ACRIDIDAE - Typical Grasshoppers
Members in this family usually have their wings well developed and sometimes brightly coloured. Most of them have an annual life cycle. Some species, under some conditions, will migrate in a dense swarms form, known as locusts, bring large damage to the crop. 
Family Tetrigidae - Pygmy Grasshoppers
Pygmy Grasshoppers prefer wet habitat. They may be found along watercourses, sit on mud and amongst stones along creeks. Some of them were found on rainforest floor. They feed on algae and vegetation. 

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 369.
2. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus & Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p94. 
3. A Guide to Australian Grasshoppers and Locusts - DCF Rentz, RC Lewis, YN Su and MS Upton, 2003. 
4. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009. 

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Last updated: July 09, 2011.