Field Guide
Questions for Discussion

Crickets and Katydids

Green-legged Matchstick
Green-body Matchstick
Brown-striped Matchstick
Mottled Matchstick 
Common Pyrgomorph
Musgrave's Psednura
Green Grass Pyrgimorph
Diving Grasshopper
Creek Grasshopper
Garden Bermius
Common Gesonula
Rice Grasshopper
Beautiful Methiola
Little Black-knees
Bicoloured Cedarinia
Eastern Inland Cedarinia
Peakesia Grasshopper
Apotropina & Perbelliina 
Epallia Grasshopper
Cooloola Shortwing
Wingless Grasshopper 
Mimetic Gumleaf Ghopper
Black-kneed Gum leaf Ghopr
Slender Gumleaf Ghopper
Gumleaf Grasshopper
Common Pardillana
Common Adreppus
Pale Stem Grasshopper  
Bark-mimicking Ghopper I
Bark-mimicking Ghopper II
Macrotona & Maclystriina
Handsome Macrotona
False Perloccia
Green-legs Grasshopper 
Spur-throated Locust
Giant Grasshopper
Froggatt's Buzzer
Golden Bandwing
Giant Green Slantface
Long-legged Bandwing 
Yellow-winged Locust 
Creek Pygmy Grasshopper
Forest Pygmy Grasshopper 
Unidentified Ghoppers 


Tribe Catantopini - Subtribe Apotropina & Perbelliina


This page contains pictures and information about Spur-throated Grasshoppers in Subtribe Apotropina & Perbelliina that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Subtribe Apotropina

Epallia Grasshopper
wpe1.jpg (42051 bytes) wpe7.jpg (27262 bytes)
Epallia exigua, body length 40mm 
When we first saw this grasshopper, we thought it was the Slender Gumleaf Grasshopper. Checked carefully we noticed that  it had the flatten back then we believed they are different species. More pictures and information can be found in this page.

Subtribe Perbelliina

Cooloola Shortwing
DSCN5647.jpg (292623 bytes)   
Genus Novum 17, sp.1, body length 20mm
Found this grasshopper in Mt Cotton during mid-summer. The grasshopper is brown to dark brown in colour, reassemble dry leaves on the ground. There are the thin creamy white line on each side of its thorax. The inner surfaces of its hind legs are black in colour. Their antennae are relatively long. There are the white rings near the tip of the antennae. More information and pictures please visit this page.
Wingless Grasshopper
DSCN0512.jpg (292485 bytes) DSC_3575.jpg (276623 bytes) 
Phaulacridium vittatum, body length 20mm
The adults of this species may be shout-winged or fully-winged. The common name is just an mistake to their nymph. Please check this page for more information. 

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p391.
2. Grasshopper Country - the Abundant Orthopteroid Insects of Australia, D Rentz, UNSW Press, 1996, p179.
3. A Guide to Australian Grasshoppers and Locusts - DCF Rentz, RC Lewis, YN Su and MS Upton, 2003. 

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Last updated: July 09, 2011.