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This page contains pictures and information about Hunting Spiders that we
found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. For Web Building Spiders, please
visit our Web Building
Spiders web site.

All spiders has their silk glands at their bottom of
their abdomen, the back side of their body. Some spiders build webs and some do not.
This page is about those spiders that do not build any kinds of web.
All spiders use silks to make
egg sac to protect their young.
- Followings listed the hunting spider
families that we found up to this moment. For web building spiders,
please visit our Web
Building Spiders web site.
- We also has the Quick Field Guide of spiders found in Brisbane.
This includes most of the common species found in Brisbane near-by area and
South East Queensland, Australia.
Family: Hersiliidae,
Two-tailed Spiders
- Two-tailed Spiders are small spider and easily identified because of their long
'tails'. They are common but hard to find. They are heavily camouflaged. The
spiders body is flat and with the pattern of bark. Their legs are long. The two tails are their
spinners which lay silk to trap their prey.
Family: Oxyopidae, Lynx spiders
- They are long legs spiders, usually small in size. They have eight
eyes, in the pattern of four rows of two as below.
Family: Lycosidae, Wolf spiders
- The spider that you see wandering across the garden path or between
plants is quite likely a common Wolf Spider. These spiders are real hunters
and have very good eyesight. They are fast moving, hunting in the open ground.
They are usually dull grey or brown in colour.
Family: Pisauridae,
Water Spiders
- The spiders in this family live at water edge of creeks and ponds. They are
sometimes called Nursery Web or Fishing Spiders. They can
run across water surface and dive under water after prey. Water
Spiders have eight eyes on their head in two rows of four.
Zodariidae - Ground Hunting Spiders
- Spiders in this family are small to medium in size. They are brown or dark
brown in colours with white or yellow spots pattern on abdomen. They are
usually found hunting on ground.
Miturgidae - Long-legged
Sac Spiders
- Family Miturgidae is newly separated from family Clubionidae. They had
eight legs arranged in two rows.
Family: Corinnidae, Sun spiders
- Some spiders in this family mimic ants. Their legs are usually long and
slender. Most corinnids live in leaf litter or on dry bark of trees. They hunt on open ground and tree trunk.
Salticidae, Jumping spiders
- This is a very large family contains the most colourful species of
spiders. They are easily recognized by their eyes pattern. They have very good
eyesight and very active. Each species in this family have different colourful
patterns on their bodies.
Family Selenopidae - Wall Crab Spiders
- Family Selenopidae is a small family. Selenops is the only genus in
this family and Selenops australiensis is the only species in
Australia. They look like huntsman spider except that they only has six eyes
instead of eight. The six eyes are in one row.
Family: Sparassidae, Huntsman Spider
- They are medium to large spiders, usually with flat body and legs
are held in forward crab-like position. They have eight eyes in two rows of
Family: Thomisidae, Crab spiders
- They are commonly called Flower Spider or Crab Spider. They are
small to medium size with colour of green, yellow, white brown and grey. They
are not hairy. All of them have eight eyes in two rows of four.
Unknown Hunting
- There are some spiders that we cannot identify in this page.
- For Spiders that build web, please visit our Web Building Spiders web
- Reference:
- 1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson
- 2. Australian Spiders in colour - Ramon Mascord, Reed Books Pty Ltd,
- Back to top
[ Two-Tails Spiders ] [ Lynx spiders ] [ Wolf spiders ] [ Water Spiders ] [ Ground Hunting Spiders ] [ Long-legged Sac Spiders ] [ Swift spiders ] [ Wall crab spiders ] [ Huntsman Spiders ] [ Crab Spiders ] [ Unknown Hunting Spiders ] | |