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- This page contains pictures and information about Click Beetle, Lycid Beetles and Soldier Beetles
in Superfamily Elateroidea that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia

- Beetles, order Coleoptera, is the
largest and most diverse order of insects. All beetles have hard forewings, called elytra, which
do not do much help in flying but cover the membranous hind wings and protect
the abdomen. Some beetles do not fly but some others fly very fast. When
flying the hind wings extended to the fright position. The forewings, or elytra,
are lift up vertically or in side way.

- Lycid Larvae
- The beetles in the Superfamily Elateroidea
are either brown to dark brown or bright in colour. They are from small to
large in size. Their body shape is usually narrow and parallel-sided. They are complete
metamorphosis. The adults are usually feed
on nectar and pollen. Some are feed on plants leave. Larva may be found
underground or under the bark of living trees.
Classification :
- Family Eucnemidae - False Click Beetles
- Beetles in this family look like the Click Beetle but may or may not have
the click mechanism. Their body is elongated and slightly flattened, from
small to medium size. The eyes are usually large with the antennae are
inserted some distance from the eyes.

- Family Elateridae - Click Beetles
- This is a large family. Beetles in this family are elongated form, with acute hind angles on
prothorax and a clicking mechanism enabling them to jump by sudden movement of
prothorax and hind body.
- FAMILY LYCIDAE - Lycid Beetles
- Lycid Beetles are elongated beetles and may be found on flowers or on plant
surfaces. Some species adults are nectar-feeders, some are not feed at all.
Their head is usually triangular in shape. Antennae are medium long and thick.
Larvae can be found under bark or in leaf litter.
- Family CANTHARIDAE - Soldier Beetles
- Beetles in this family are usually small in size, brown and yellow in
colour. Adults bodies are soft, flat and long. Their antenna are filiform. They
are abundant on flowers and foliage where they feed on nectar, pollen, or other
insects. Larvae of most species are carnivorous, a few species feed on plants.

- Reference:
- 1. A
Bit About Beetles In Brisbane - Geoff Monteith, Save Our
Waterways Now, 2006.
- 2. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p 636.
- 3. A guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia
Part.4 -
Matthews, E.G. 1987-2002.
- 4. A Guide to the Beetles of Australia - George Hangay and Paul Zborowski, CSIRO PUBLISHING April 2010.
- 5.
Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
- Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory.
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