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- This page contains pictures and information about Tussock Caterpillars and
Moths that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Tussock Moth Caterpillar
- Lymantriidae is a medium size family in the Moth and Butterfly Order Lepidoptera.
They are commonly called Tussock Moths.
- Tussock Moths in this family are are from small to medium in size with
furry hairy body. They are short lived, mouth parts are poorly developed and do not
feed at all. They held
their board wings root-like over their abdomen when rest. They are usually active at
- The Tussock Caterpillars in family LYMANTRIIDAE are usually hairy, often with four distinct
tussocks of hairs on their back make them look like a toothbrush.
- More information about Tussock Caterpillars and
Moths can be found in this Biology page.

Tussock Caterpillars

- Reference:
of Australia - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2008.
- 2. Moths
of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press,
1990, p425.
- 3. Moths
of Australia - Bernard D'Abrera, Lansdowne Press, Melbourne, 1974,
- 4. A
Guide to Australian Moths - Paul Zborowski, Ted Edwards, CSIRO
PUBLISHING, 2007, p178.
- 5. Northern
Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
- 6. Moths
of Victoria: part two, Tiger moths and allies Noctuoidea (A) -
Peter Marriott, Entomological Society of Victoria, 2009.
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