Genus Glycaspis
White Lerp Insect
White Fibrous Lerp Insect
Genus Spondyliaspis
Shell Lerp Insect
Genus Hyalinaspis
Clam Lerp Insect
Clam Fibrous Lerp Insect
Brown Clam Lerp Insect
Genus Acizzia
Wattle Plant Lice
Other Psyllids


White Lerp Insect - Glycaspis (Glycaspis) fuscovena or G. eucalypti

Family Psyllidae 

This page contains pictures and information about White Lerp Insects that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Diameter 3-4mm
The white materials on gum leaves, known as lerps, are the coverings of insect nymphs that live and feed underneath. The insects suck the plant sap and use the excess starch to make those lerps. There are the excess sugar, or the honey dews, that make the ants like to attend for them.
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The Lerps Insect adults are winged and look like a very small treehopper. Those White Lerps can easily be found on different species of Gum tree leaves in Brisbane.
Different ant species were found attending the White Lerp insects. They include the Golden-tailed Spiny Ants, Large Purple Meat Ants and Black Tyrant Ants.
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Eggs on leaf 

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Eggs were laid evenly on leaves in batch. The eggs are laid on the surface of the leaves, and the first instars, having emerged and found a suitable site to feed, settles down and begins to construct the lerp. There are five instars each of which adds to the lerp, The last instars moves out from under the lerp before the adult emerges. 

Nymph outside lerp 

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Those White Lerp Insects usually feed and hide under white lerp cover. Sometimes we see a nymph freely walk around.  
1. A field guide to insects in Australia - By Paul Zborowski and Ross Storey, Reed New Holland, 1996, p85. 
2. Psylloidea of South Australia - Morgan, F.D. ,Adelaide, South Australia, Government Printer, 1984, plate16-6 (G. fuscovena).
3. Species Glycaspis (Glycaspis) fuscovena Moore, 1970 - Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory. 
4. Additional information on the Australian genera of the family Psyllidae (Hemiptera: Homoptera) - KL Taylor, Australian Journal of Zoology 8(3) 383 - 391, 1960 (G. eucalypti).


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Last updated: October 13, 2010.