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Family Margarodidae
- This page contains pictures and information about
Snow Ball Large Mealybugs that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 20mm
- The snowy white balls on stem are different in
size, the largest in size is about 20mm. When we removed the white substance
we saw the orange-red and blue mealy bug body.

- The female mealy bugs are wingless and look
like a larva. They move around stem freely but very slowly. They can be found moving very
slowing on Eucalyptus stems.

They are common on Eucalyptus in
Brisbane bushlands. They are usually alone or in small group on young stems
and twigs. They seldom move although they have full functional legs. For the
matured females, there is the white waxy secretions attached. Those white
material will be used as egg-sac.


They are
sap-sucker and produce honeydew. They are occasionally attended by



- All of them were found on Eucalyptus.

- Body
length 25mm
- We
found some
size mealy bugs. It seems that their white substance reduced as they grow



this page some of those Large Mealybugs look a bit different. They could be
- Reference:
- 1. A
field guide to insects in Australia - By Paul Zborowski and Ross
Storey, Reed New Holland, 1996, p86.
- 2. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus
& Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p173.
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