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Family Psyllidae
This page contains pictures and information about Clam Fibrous Lerp Insects that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Diameter

- This lerp insect build clam-shell cover as
well as fibrous
cover as the Glycaspis
lerp insect species in genus Hyalinaspis keep the excess excretion on
the ceiling of the cover. This lerp insect species keep the excess excretion
as fibrous.
- This species is not as common as the other
lerp insect species.
- Reference:
- 1. Psylloidea of South Australia - Morgan, F.D. ,Adelaide, South Australia, Government Printer,
1984, plate 16,17.
- 2. Additional
information on the Australian genera of the family Psyllidae (Hemiptera:
Homoptera) - KL Taylor, Australian Journal of Zoology 8(3) 383 - 391,
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