This page contains information and pictures about Orange Oides Leaf Beetles that
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 20mm
- The beetle is orange in colour with thick black strip on each wing cover.
there is the black patch on the thorax too. We found this beetle only once.

- The leaf beetle was found on the top of a one meter tall plant. There was
in Ford Road Conservation Area on summer Jan 2009. We found only one beetle on
the plant. The beetle was slow moving and did not too care on our
- We found the beetle wandering on this plant. We believed this is the host
plants but did not identify the plant ID yet.
- Thank to Chris Reid
for the identification of this leaf beetle.
- Reference:
- 1. .
- 2. Leaf Beetles - subfamily Galerucinae -, by Nick Monaghan.
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