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Subfamily Chrysomelinae, FAMILY CHRYSOMELIDAE
- This page contains pictures and information about Leaf beetles of
Genus Calomela that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland,
- Calomela species are particularly associated with Acacia.
Both adults and larvae feed on the leaf, some adults feed on the flower as
well. Calomela adults are in medium size, usually have the narrow and flat body shape.
Most of them are brightly coloured. They are native to New Guinea and
Australia. Larvae are in globular shape.
- Green Strip Leaf Beetle
- Calomela pallida, body length 10mm
- We found this green leaf beetle in Alexandra Hill and Karawatha
Forest during mid summer. It was
wandering on a young Acacia tree. Although it was brightly green in
colour, when it hided on a Acacia leaf in the shade, it was hardly be noticed.
It was a slow moving insects. After we took a few pictures, it slowly walked to
the leaf edge and flied to another young Acacia tree a couple of meters away.
More pictures please click here.
- I-Mark Leaf Beetle
- Calomela crassicornis, adult body length 7mm, larva body length 7mm
- The Acacia Leaf Beetles
are orange in colour with a dark brown "I"-Mark pattern on thorax.
There are also the dark drown patterns on wings cover. When we
go for bush-walking near Alexandra Hill in mid summer. On every young Acacia
tree (Black Wattle), we can easily found some of them resting
on the leaves. They are slow moving, seem doing nothing until we disturbed.
More pictures and information please click here.
- Metallic Green Acacia Beetle
- Calomela ruficeps, body length 8mm
- We found this metallic green leaf beetle on Acacia leaves a few times.
Please check this page for more
- Silver Wattle Leaf Beetle
- Calomela ioptera, body length 10mm
- Silver Wattle Leaf Beetle has the standard body shape of Calomela sp..
The head and thorax are orange brown in colour with black eyes and black
antenna. The legs are orange brown too. The wing covers are orange brown
covered with lines of metallic green-blue dots. The green-blue colours are
slightly different between individuals. We found quite a number of them
during March 2009. Details please check this page.
- Acacia Golden Green Leaf Beetle
- Calomela juncta, body length 10mm
- The beetle is golden
green in colour with dark brown strips on its back. A number of them can be found on
a Acacia tree. Please check this page
for more information.
- Dotted-head Acacia Beetle
- Calomela maculicollis, body length 10mm
- We found this beetle on Acacia leaf. The beetle is metallic green in colour
with black marks on orange-brown head and thorax. Please check this page
for more infromation.
- Reference:
- 1. Calomela
Hope, 1840 - Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and Heritage, Australia 2005.
- 2. A taxonomic revision of the Australian Chrysomelinae, with a key to the genera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) - Reid,
C.A.M., Zootaxa 1292, 2006.
- 3. Key to the Chrysomelinae of New South Wales - FaunaNet, Australian Museum, 2003.
- 4. A Reappraisal of the Australian Species of the Genus Calomela Hope (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) - B. J.
Selman, Australian Journal of Zoology 27(4) 561 - 584
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