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- This page contains pictures and information about 9-Spotted Leaf Beetles
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland,

- Body length 12mm
- This leaf Beetle is orange in
colour with nine large black spots. We found it once on the hill-top of
Anstead Forest on Feb 2010. It was hiding in a rolled leaf. It dropped onto
ground after we took a few photos.

- The second time we saw this Leaf Beetle was in Daisy Hills on Sept 2011.

- We found totally six of them hiding under the leaves of host plant. One was
feeding. All others were just resting there. When disturbed too closely, they
drop onto the ground and hide immediately under fallen leaf-letters.

- We did not find another same plant near by. On the host plant, we did not
find any of their larvae.
- Lolly Bush

- Clerodendrum floribundum
- Reference:
- 1. Key to the Chrysomelinae of New South Wales - FaunaNet, Australian Museum, 2003.
- 2. Wild Plants of Greater Brisbane - Queensland Museum, 2003,
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