Grey Rhiniin Fly
Yellow-headed Blowfly 
Tachinid Flies 


Small Green Fly - Neomyia sp.

Family Muscidae

This page contains pictures and information about Small Green Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 6mm 
Bush flies in this Neomyia genus are medium size and metallic blue-green to violet  in colours. On thorax is quite bare with seta DC 0+2. Legs are black in colour. Wings are clear and unmarked with veins yellow to brown. Wing veins M1+2 bent forwards but not angled. Mid tibia with a strong ventral seta. Abdomen is short and ovate without strong setae. 
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They usually found near animals dung where their maggots develop. 
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This green fly is medium in size and metallic green on colour. M1+2 strongly bent forwards . Mid tibia with a strong ventral seta.  
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1. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.  
2. On the Fly, The Interactive Atlas and Key to Australian Fly Families CD Rom - Hamilton, J. et al. 2006. Brisbane : CBIT & ABRS. 
3. Key to the Australasian and Oceanian genera of Muscidae (Diptera) - Márcia Souto Couri, Departamento de Entomologia, Museu Nacional, 20940-040 Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil. 
4. Studies on Australian Muscidae (Diptera). IV. A revision of the subfamilies Muscinae and Stomoxyinae - AC Pont, Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 21(21) 129 - 296, 1973 (Genus Orthellia).

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Last updated: January 11, 2013.