Family Calliphoridae
This page contains pictures and information about Semi-metallic Bluebottle Blowflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Body length 8mm
- This Blowfly is metallic blue in colour. The abdomen has orange-brown

- We found this Blowfly once in Bushland near Longton Circuit.

- Reference:
- 1. GENUS
CHRYSOMYA IN NEW GUINEA (Diptera : Calliphoridae) - By Maurice T. James, Pacific Insects 13 (2): 361-369, 1971.
- 2. Semimetallica blowfly -
[ Up ] [ Golden Bluebottle Blowfly ] [ Semi-metallic Bluebottle Blowfly ] [ Steelblue Bluebottle Blowfly ] [ Bluebottle Blowfly ] [ Blackbottle Blowfly ] [ Large Greenbottle Blowfly ]