Family Calliphoridae
This page contains pictures and information about Steelblue Bluebottle Blowflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Body length 8mm
- This is a metallic greenish-blue Blowfly. The anterior spiracle is black.
This Blowfly species Chrysomya saffranea look very similar to the C. megacephala.
We recognized this species by there is no black setulae hair
around its vibrissa.
Male has eye facets above enlarged but no distinct line of demarcation from
those below.
- This Blowfly is common along Bulimba Creek near Yimbin Park all year round.
They were found resting on leaves next to the running water.
- Reference:
- 1. GENUS
CHRYSOMYA IN NEW GUINEA (Diptera : Calliphoridae) - By Maurice T. James, Pacific Insects 13 (2): 361-369, 1971.
- 2. Steelblue blowfly - PaDIL.
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