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Family Muscidae
This page contains pictures and information about Slender Orange Bush Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 8mm, female
- This Grey Bush Fly is medium in size with relatively slender and long body. It is orange brown in colours with
red brown eyes. Its abdomen and legs are grey-yellow. Wings are clear
with vein M1+2 straight or slightly forwards at apex.



- Picture was taken in Yugarapul Park during early summer in evening.


- This fly is common in Karawatha Forest and Daisy Hills.
- Reference:
- 1. Northern
Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
- 2. Studies on the Australian Muscidae (Diptera) I. Some Species of
Dichaetomyia Malloch - AC Pont, Australian Journal of Zoology 15(3) 619 - 640, 1967.
- 3. Studies on Australian muscidae
(diptera) II : A revision of the tribe dichaetomyiini Emden - A.C.Pont, Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology ; v. 23, 1969.
- 4. Studies on Australian Muscidae (Diptera). VI.* New species and records of
Dichaetomyia Malloch, Hennigiola Pont and Probardyia Pont - AC Pont, Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 22(33) 1 - 30, 1973.
- 5. Muscidae - Graeme's Insects of Townsville, Australia
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