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Family Sarcophagidae
This page contains pictures and information about Grey Flesh
Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They are
also Known as Grey-striped Flies

- Body length 10mm
- This fly is large in size. It is grey in colour with three grey longitudinal
stripes on thorax. Their head is relatively small with bright red eyes.
- Larvae develop in carrion
or dung. Females are viviparous, producing live
maggots directly onto their food source. They are either breed in rotting
vegetation, carrion, decomposing organic matter or parasites of other insects.
- There are many species in this family
and they look very similar. There may be more than one species in this


- Reference:
- 1. Sarcophaga aurifrons Macquart
- Australian Insect Common Names, CSIRO, 2005.
- 2. On the Fly, The Interactive Atlas and Key to Australian Fly Families CD Rom - Hamilton, J. et al. 2006. Brisbane : CBIT &
- 3. Northern
Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
- 4. Family SARCOPHAGIDAE - Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory.
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