Grey Rhiniin Fly
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Tachinid Flies 


Golden Blowfly - Subfamily Calliphorinae

Family Calliphoridae

This page contains pictures and information about Golden Blowflies in subfamily Calliphorinae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
All blowflies we found in this subfamily are in Genus Calliphora. They are commonly known as Golden Blowflies. They have the abdomen in mottled golden colour with greyish-blue thorax. Their legs are from yellowish-brown to dark brown. 
They are the carrion-breeding flies. Their larvae feed on rotting fresh which accelerating the breakdown of carcases and the return of nutrients to the environment. However, they also adapted to breed on live sheep. They are causing huge problem to Australian sheep industry.
Golden Blowflies in subfamily Calliphorinae are either oviparous or viviparous, and sometimes eggs and larvae may be deposited on the same occasion.
The Genus Calliphora is divided into five subgenus. We found Blowflies in four subgenus and listed as follows.

Genus Calliphora (Neocalliphora) 

Golden Blowflies in this subgenus have the following characteristic;
- eyes with dense hairs, sparsely haired or bare eyes,
- some species with abdomen tessellated,
- legs are black with  yellow in colours,  
Reddish Brown blowfly
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Calliphora (Neocalliphora) ochracea, body length 8mm 
The Reddish Brown Blowfly has quite dense erect yellow hairs on eyes. The abdomen and scutellum are wholly reddish yellow-brown in colour without tessellation. The Thorax is yellowish dusted blue to brown. Please check this page for more information.
Goldenhaired Golden Blowfly I
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Calliphora (Neocalliphora) stygia, body length 10mm
Goldenhaired Golden Blowflies are dusted metal blue in colour with silvery or golden tessellation and golden hair on abdomen. They are quite common in Brisbane. It seems that they are seen mostly during the winter months, from July to October. Please also check this page for more information.

Genus Calliphora (Calliphora)

Golden Blowflies in this subgenus have the following characteristic;
- eyes bare,
- abdomen entirely metallic blue covered with white hairs, some species slight tessellated
- legs are entirely black.
European Bluebottle Blowfly
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Calliphora (Calliphora) vicina, body length 8mm
This is an introduced species from Europe. the abdomen is entirely metallic blue. Legs are entirely black. Eye is bare (hairless). Please check this page for more information.
Goldenhaired Golden Blowfly II
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Calliphora (Neocalliphora) sp., body length 8mm
This Goldenhaired Golden Blowfly look very similar to the above species. However, the face, scutellum and legs are in different colours. We believed they are in different species. For more information and pictures please visit this page

Genus Calliphora (Paracalliphora)

Golden Blowflies in this subgenus have the following characteristic;
- eyes bare,
- abdomen metallic usually blue but variable in colours with honey yellow on sides, some species tessellated,
- legs are reddish brown, in some species are black
Smaller Yellow Golden Blowfly
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Calliphora (Paracalliphora) augur, body length 8mm
This blowfly is a primary sheep-maggot fly in eastern Australia. The females deposit either eggs or larvae and at times both may be deposited at the same time.
 Please check this page for more information.
Blue Golden Blowfly
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Calliphora (Paracalliphora) macleayi, body length 8mm, 
Blue Golden Blowflies are dusty metallic blue in colours, with honey-yellow on body sides. Top side of thorax, scutellum and abdomen are metallic blue. Abdomen segments have the tessellated markings. Humeri (shoulder near wing base) in blue. Legs with coax and front femur in blue and tibia in honey-yellow, tarsus in black colours. The face is whitish-blue. Please check this page for more information.
Yellow Golden Blowfly
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Calliphora (Paracalliphora) centralis, body length 8mm  
Yellow Golden Blowflies are dusty metallic blue in colours, with honey-yellow on body sides. Top side of thorax, scutellum and abdomen are metallic blue. Abdomen segments have the trapezoidal markings. Humeri (shoulder near wing base) in honey-yellow. Legs with coax, femur and tibia in honey-yellow, tarsus in black colours. The face is honey-yellow. Please check this page for more infromation.  
Yellow Tessellated Golden Blowfly
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Calliphora (Paracalliphora) hilli, (C.P. rufipes), body length 8mm
Yellow Tessellated Golden Blowflies are dusty metallic blue in colours. Thorax, scutellum are metallic blue. Abdomen segments have the conspicuously tessellated markings. Legs with coax, femur and tibia in honey-yellow, tarsus in black colours. Please click here for more infromation. 

Genus Calliphora (Australocalliphora) 

Golden Blowflies in this subgenus have the following characteristic;
- eyes bare,
- abdomen submetallic bronzy and conspicuously tessellated,
- legs are black, some species brownish,
Black Tessellated Golden Blowfly
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Calliphora (Australocalliphora) canimicans, body length 8mm 
Black Tessellated Golden Blowflies are dusty metallic dark blue in colours. Thorax, scutellum are metallic dark blue. Abdomen segments have the conspicuously tessellated markings. Legs with coax, femur and tibia in black. Please check this page for more information.

Unknown Blow Fly
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? sp., body  length 6mm

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p781. 
2. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus & Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p375. 
3. On the Fly, The Interactive Atlas and Key to Australian Fly Families CD Rom - Hamilton, J. et al. 2006. Brisbane : CBIT & ABRS.
4. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
5. Three new species of Australian 'golden blowflies' (Diptera : Calliphoridae : Calliphora), with a key to described species - KR Norris, 1994, Invertebrate Taxonomy 8(6) 1343 - 1366. 
6. Sheep Blowflies of Victoria - Department of Primary Industries, Victoria, Australia, 2010.
7. Calliphoridae (Blowflies, Bluebottles) - Insects of Tasmania: Diptera.
8. The tribe Calliphorini from Australian and Oriental regions, II. Calliphora-group (Diptera: Calliphoridae) - Kurahashi, H 1971, Pacific Insects 13: 141-204 [195]. 
9.. Calliphoridae - PaDIL. 

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Last updated: January 04, 2013.