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- Followings are the spiders that yet to be identified. Please advise
if you know any of them.

- ? sp., body length 8mm
- When we found the spider, it was moving to some where by Kiting.
Spiders unidentified yet
- Please advise if you can
identify any of them. Thank you.
- Spider species 1 not identified yet.

- ?sp., body length 6mm
- We only find this spider once in our backyard. The spider is white to transparent
in colour, with two bright white spots on brown pattern on abdomen. Its legs
are relatively small. The spider build orb web so we put it in this family.
Its web is about 30cm in diameter, 45 degree to horizontal.
- Found
another one in Bayside Bushland
July 2008.


- This spider builds small vertical orb web with circular stabilimentum.

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