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This page contains pictures and information about Orb Web Spiders (Family
Araneidae, formerly Argiopidae)
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- We group those others genes of Orb Web Spiders in this page.
- Scorpion-tailed Spider

- Arachnura higginsi (A. higginsii), body length 20mm
- We some time find this Scorpion-tailed Spider in our back yard. It is
golden yellow in colour. Its abdomen is long and slender, like a scorpion.
Like most other members in this family, it build circuit web. It stay at the
middle of the web in day and night. More information click this page.
- Leaf Curling Spider

- Phonognatha graeffei., body length female 12mm, male 6mm
- The Leaf Curling Spiders build web. They always build a retreat on the
upper side of their web. Usually they build the retreat by a dry leaf. They
stay inside their retreat, put their forelegs on their web and sense if any
prey come into their web. They are brown in colour with white marking on
their abdomen. More information and picture please click here.
- Messy Leaf Curling Spider

- Deliochus zelivira, female body length 12mm, male body length 6mm
- This spider builds large messy retreat by curling a few green and dry
leaves bound together by silks. Male and female can be found in the same
retreat during breeding season. More information can be found in this page.
- Green Leaf Curling Spider

- Deliochus pulcher ?, female body length 12mm, male body length 6mm
- Pictures were taken in Daisy Hills on Sep 2008. This spider builds messy retreat by curling a green
leaf with silks. Please check this page
for more information.
- Tree-stump Spider

- Poltys illepidus, body length 15mm
- This is a large web weaving spider with round button shape abdomen which
overhangs and covers the head and throax. The surface of the abdomen has the
very rough texture, brown in colour. This spiders build large vertical orb web
at night. They pack-up and consume the web after used, hide on the tree during
the day. Please also check this page.
- Gall-mimicking Spider

- Poltys stygius (P. microtuberculatus), body length 15mm
- This is a large web weaving spider mimics gall on tree. It has round button shape abdomen which
overhangs and covers the head and throax. The surface of the abdomen has the
very rough bark-looking texture, brown in colour. Please check this page
for more information.
- Two-spined

- Poecilopachys australasia, body size 8mm
- Two-spined Spiders build orb webs at night but hide under leaves during
day time. They are not easy to find. Their body is brown with a yellow stripe. There is two white
spines at the back look like eyes. This spider state in our garden for the
whole summer.
- Jewel Spider, Spiny Spider

- Austracantha minax (was Gasteracantha minax), Body length 12mm
- Jewel Spiders are also known as Six Spined Spider, Christmas Spiders and Spiny
Spiders. They can be found during summer, around Christmas time in Brisbane. Their abdomen has bright yellow
and white patterns on black back ground. They build vertical orb web about one
meter about ground and one meter in diameter. More information and pictures please click here.
- Four-spined Jewel Spider

- Gasteracantha quadrispinosa, body width 15mm
- The spider has two spins on each side. It is bright orange yellow in colour with the spins from dark red to black. Its head and legs are mostly shiny black in colour.
Please check this page for more
- Bird-dropping

- Celaenia excavata (C. kinbergii ), body length
- You may think this is a bird-dropping, actually it is a spider. It sits
motionlessly on
the leaf on day time and active at night. It catch moths that fly to them. It is believe that they give off a sent which attracts a particular
species of male moths. They are dirty white, grey and black in colour. We
have details discussions on this
- Reference:
- 1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson
1969, p64.
- 2. FAMILY Araneidae Simon, 1895
- Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University,
Orb or wheel weavers - Save Our Waterways Now.
- 4. Spiders - genus
Eriophora - lifeunseen.com,
by Nick Monaghan, 2007.
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