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This page contains pictures and information about Gumtree Weaver Spiders that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Body length 15mm, female and egg-sac
- Most of those spiders are dark grey to black in colour, with white line along the
sides of the long heart-shaped abdomen. Legs are all black with white
ring. However, some are brown to pale brown in colours.

- This spider builds small size orb web against gum tree trunk. The web size
is 200-300mm in diameter. As all other Argiope
species, this spider rests on web with legs in pair. If we come closer, they
vibrate the
web very quickly and become almost invisible. Most of them are found on
gum tree trunk with dark colour bark, such as the Ironbark gum trees or
those gum trees with burnt bark.

- Like other species in this Argiope
genus, young spiders build web with circular stabilimentum.
Adult females build web without stabilimentum. We did not found any males
- We noticed that this spider has one pair of eyes on the top of throax
which are quite large (most web building spiders have very small eyes and
some even cannot be seen). Those spiders may visually detects the prey
coming closely, then vibrate their web to enhance the chance of entangle the
Young Spider

- Same as the St Andrew's Cross Spider, the young
spiders of this species build web with circular stabilimentum. They look
exactly the same as the adult, of course smaller in size. Adults do not make
those circular stabilimentum.


- The above young Gumtree Weaver was only 5mm in body length. When we came
very close to look at it, it jumped onto the tree trunk from its small web
and run away on the tree trunk surface,

- Female with
Two egg-sacs, 10mm dia
- Females make disk-like egg-sac near their web. The egg-sacs are round and
flattened with rough edges. They are pale brown in colour. They are usually
200mm away from the spider.

Other Colour Forms
- We sometimes found the pale brown and brown forms of this spider.

- Pale form on white tree trunk

- Most of the Gumtree Weaver Spiders are black in colour, but some times we
found the reddish brown and pale brown forms. Usually they build web on tree
trunk with colours match their body colours.

- Black form on white tree
Brown form on brown tree trunk
- Thank to Dr Volker W. Framenau
for the identification of this spider.
- Reference:
- 1. Argiope
ocyaloides ? - The
Find-a-spider Guide for Australian Spiders, University of Southern
Queensland, 2007.
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