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Lobed Spiders - genus Cyclosa
This page contains pictures and information about Lobed Spiders
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- The spiders in this Cyclosa genus are small to medium size. They have elongated abdomen
with two or
three lobes on it. They build medium size vertical neat orb web. Some
species the spider builds web and places debris as stabilamenta. The spider rests at the center. Those
debris include the prey remains and plant materials dropped and attached on
the web.
- Most spiders rest on vertical orb web with head facing downwards. The
spiders in genus Cyclosa rest on web with random orientations.
- Spiders of genus Cyclosa makes egg-sac outside the web.
- Sliver Lobed Spider 1

- Cyclosa sp., body length 8mm
- We found this spider once in Karawatha Forest during late winter 2006. This is a relatively small web building spider. The spider is brown and its
lobed abdomen is silver in colour. Please check this page
for more information.
- Sliver Lobed Spider 2

- Cyclosa sp., body length 8mm
- Please
also check this page.
- Brown Lobed Spider

- Cyclosa insulana, body length 8mm
- This is a relatively small web build spider. The spider is brown in colour
with patterned abdomen. Please click on here
for more pictures and information.
- Long Lobed Spider

- Cyclosa bifida, body length 15mm
- The spider build medium size vertical neat orb web and places debris as
stabilamenta. The spider rests at the center and well camouflaged. Those
debris include the prey remains and plant materials dropped and attached on
the web. Please click on here
for more information.
- Reference:
- 1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson
1969, p67.
Orb or wheel weavers - Save Our Waterways Now.
- 3. Spiders
- genus Cyclosa - lifeunseen.com,
by Nick Monaghan, 2009.
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