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This page contains pictures and information about Triangular Spiders that
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Leg to leg 15mm
- This is a beautiful spider. Its abdomen is triangular to
heart-shaped , with white spots on its bright orange body. Its two pairs of
front legs are with strong spines for capturing prey. Its two hind pairs legs
are relatively small.

- This spider look similar to the other Triangular
Spider species, but less common. We found this spider once in
Wishart bushland late summer Feb 2008.

- The spider was hiding under leaf and waiting for prey. Notice the spider
had laid a layer of silk under the leaf. This helped the spider moving
around under the leaf by grabbing on those silks. This spider does not build
web. However, this silk layer laying skill may evolved from the web building
- We discussed how spider learnt to build webs in this page.

- Reference:
- 1. Triangular
spider - The
Find-a-spider Guide for Australian Spiders, University of Southern
Queensland, 2007.
- 3. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson
1969, p73.
- 4. Australian Spiders in colour - Ramon Mascord, Reed Books Pty
Ltd, 1970, p96.
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