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Green Orb Weaver - Araneus
praesignis (Eriophora praesignis)
- This page contains pictures and information about Green
Orb Weavers
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Leg to leg 20mm, male
- This is a small Orb Web Weaver, with green thorax and legs. There are the
green-blue patterns on white abdomen. .

- The spider shown in this page is a male. The female look about the same
but with much larger abdomen. The spiders hide on leaves during the day,
builds vertical orb web during the night.

- Pictures were taken in Yugarapul
Park on Nov 2007. The spider was hiding on its silky retreat on leaf.
- Reference :
- 1. Araneus praesignis
- The
Find-a-spider Guide for Australian Spiders, University of Southern
Queensland, 2007.
- 2. Spiders - genus
Eriophora - lifeunseen.com,
by Nick Monaghan, 2007.
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