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This page contains pictures and information about Messy Leaf Curling Spiders that
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Female body length 12mm, male 8mm
- This spider builds large messy retreat by curling a few green and dry
leaves bound together by silks. Male and female can be found in the same
retreat during breeding season. Males of this species are more often seen
because they wandering around looking for females. Matured females are in the messy
large retreat and hardly be seen.
- Mid summer Dec 2007 in Karawatha Forest, we saw this little spider
wandering on the edge of a messy spider web. The web owner was hiding
inside the curled leaf retreat.
Young female
- The spider builds messy web sheet as retreat on leaf.
- Young female look similar to male with larger abdomen. The dark brown strip
patterns become paler in colour when the female grow and totally fade out when
the matures.
Female and male in the same nest
- The spider builds nest on large green leaf by half rolling the leaf. We
found once there a female and a male inside the nest. Male is about 1/4 size
of the female and look quite different.
- Female and male photos were taken on Aug 2008 in Karawatha Forest near the
- Reference:
- 1. Deliochus
zelivira - The
Find-a-spider Guide for Australian Spiders, University of Southern
Queensland, 2008.
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