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This page contains pictures and information about Small Gum Tree Katydids that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Length 35mm.
- This Small Bush Katydid was found on trees in Eucalypt forest. It is
medium in size and has relatively long hind legs. It is grass-green with top
edge brown in colours.

- Male
- The adult was found in Mt Coot-tha late summer Feb 2008.

- Female
- Found once on Grass Tree (Xanthorrhoea latifolia) in the bushland
near Tingalpa Reservoir on Jan 2009. They are hard to be noticed among thin

- Female
- Also found this Bush Katydid on a gum tree on Jan 2011 on Daisy Hills.
- We found this green katydid nymph on a small tree top during winter in Toohey
Forest on Aug 2003. It was moving slowing to escape from our disturb.

- Nymph length 20mm.
- The nymph was
leaf-green in colour and did not have any marking or pattern on its body. Its
wing buds were well development showing it could be the last instars, but relatively
small in side. We will collect and raise one if we can find them again so that
we will know how their adult look like.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia - CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p384.
- 2. Grasshopper Country - the Abundant Orthopteroid Insects of Australia, D
Rentz, UNSW Press, 1996, p112.
- 3. A Guide to the Katydids of Australia - David Rentz, CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2010,
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