
Treehoppers and Planthoppers

Common Spittlebug
Black Spittlebug 
Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers
Mottled White Leafhopper
Black Leafhopper
Yellow and Black Leafhopper
Brown Leafhopper1
Brown Leafhopper 2 
Common Jassid
Two-lined Gum-treehopper
Punctata Gum-treehopper
Pulchra Gum-treehopper
Mottled-brown Treehopper
Yellow-brown Treehopper
She-oak Treehopper
Paperbark Treehopper 
Penthimiin Leafhopper 

Lantana Treehopper
Banksia Treehopper
Green Horned Treehopper
Tri-horned Treehopper

Cixiid Planthopper 1
Cixiid Planthopper 2
Cixiid Planthopper 3
Fulgoridae- Lantern Flies
Green and Black Lantern Fly 1
Green and Black Lantern Fly 2
Long0nosed Lantern fly
Issid Planthopper
Mango Planthopper
Pink Planthopper
Green Mottled Planthopper 
Eurybrachyid Biology 
Green Red Wattle Hopper
Green Face Gum Hopper
Eye-patterned Gum Hopper 1
Eye-patterned Gum Hopper 2
White-marked Gum Hopper 1
White-marked Gum Hopper 2
Ripple-marked Gum Hopper
Spider-face WattleHopper
Green Face WattleHopper
Dardus Wattle Hopper
Unknown Eurybrachyid
Palm Planthopper 
Passion-vine Hopper
Brown Ricaniid Planthopper

Other Hoppers


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Horned Treehoppers - Family Membracidae

Order Hemiptera 

This page contains pictures and information about Horned Treehoppers that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Horned Treehopper nymph

Members in Membracidae family have the enlarged pronotum extending back over the abdomen between wings, which gives them the bizarre looking body shape. Many species also have the pronotum extending forward so that they are horned. Some may mimic thorns on their host plant. 

They are small in size, under 10mm in body length. Adults and nymphs can be found together on stems and new shots of their host plants. They feed by sucking the sap of plants. They expel droplets of honeydew so are tended actively by ants. All of them jump when disturbed, so their name hoppers.

All species of Membracidae in Australia are the member of the subfamily Centrotinae, except the introduced species Lantana Treehoppers which is subfamily Membracinae.

Subfamily Membracinae

Lantana Treehopper, Lantana sap-sucking bug
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Aconophora compressa, adult body length 8mm
The above pictures show the insects on the stem of a Lantana plants. They are introduced from American to NSW and Queensland as a biological control agent of the weed Lantana. More information and pictures please click here.

Subfamily Centrotinae

Banksia Treehopper
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Crito festivus, Tribe Terentiini, adult body length 10mm
Mid summer in Alexandra Hill, the Banksia plants was growing fast with new shots. On every Banksia plant there were the treehoppers. The insects mimicked the leaf buds of the plants. The treehoppers were black in colour with bright orange and yellow. The black pronotum extended back over the abdomen covered between wings. More information and pictures please click here.
Green Horned Treehopper
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Alosextius carinatus, Tribe Terentiini, nymph body length 5mm, adult body length 5mm 
The Horned Treehopper has the pronotum extending forward so it look like having two horns. As other tree hopper, they rest on the young shots of their host plants, suck sap for their living. More information and pictures can be found in this page.
Acacia Horned Treehopper
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Sextius virescens, Tribe Terentiini, body length nymph 4mm, adult 5mm 
Pictures taken in Yugarapul Park and Karawatha Forest during early summer. A group of  Treehoppers were found on a young Acacia tree. Those Treehoppers were constantly attended by ants. For more pictures and information please visit this page.
Tri-horned Treehopper
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Acanthuchus trispinifer, Tribe Terentiini, body length 5mm  
Pictures were taken on Oct 2006. It jumped away after we took a few photos. This treehopper is brown in colour with three horns. There is the extra horn at the middle vertical position. Please also check this page.

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 473.
2. Family Membracidae - Fletcher, M.J. and Larivière, M.-C. (2001 and updates).
3. That the Anal Whip is Used for Defense - Dr Beetle's Wild Page.

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Last updated: July 18, 2009.