
Spur-legged Planthopper
Cixiid Planthopper 1
Cixiid Planthopper 2 
Cixiid Planthopper 3
Cixiid Planthopper 4
Green and Black P'hopper
Green and Mottled P'hopper
Long-nosed Lantern Fly
Achilid Planthopper 
Derbid Planthopper 
Issid Planthopper
Mango Planthopper
Pink Planthopper
Green Mottled Planthopper 
Eurybrachyid Biology
Green Red Wattle Hopper
Green Face Wattle Hopper
Teeth-marked Gum Hopper 
Green Face Gum Hopper
White-marked Gum Hopper 
Ripple-marked Gum Hopper
Eye-patterned Gum Hopper
Dardus Wattle Hopper
Spider-face Wattle Hopper 
Unknown Eurybrachyid
Palm Planthopper 
Passion-vine Hopper
Brown Ricaniid Planthopper

Other Hoppers


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Cixiid Planthoppers - family Cixiidae

Order Hemiptera 

This page contains pictures and information about Planthoppers in family Cixiidae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. 
Cixiid Planthoppers generally are brown to dark brown in colours. Head is usually not prolonged. Their wings are transparent with brown veins. Some species have brown patterns on wings. They are considered the most primitive species in Superfamily Fulgoroidea.
Their nymphs are primarily root-feeders, some found in ants nest.

Tribe Pentastirini

Cixiid Planthopper 1
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Oliarus sp., body length 10mm
Pictures were taken outside our house in Eight Mile Plains on Jun 2007. This Cixiid  Planthopper is dark brown in colour with wings that are transparent. Please visit this page for more information
Cixiid Planthopper 2
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Oliarus sp., body length 10mm
Photos were taken in Anstead Forest on Sept 2011. Please check this page for more information.

Tribe Cajetini  

Cixiid Planthopper 3
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Cajeta singularis, body length 10mm
Pictures were taken in Karawatha Forest on Sep 2007.  The Planthopper was struggling on a spider web on gum tree trunk. A Diamond Comb-Footed Spider was coming towards it. Check this page for more pictures and information. 

Tribe Mnemosynini

Cixiid Planthopper 4
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Mnemosyne alexandri, body length 10mm
We found this planthoppers on Jan 2005 in the rain forest near Mt Nebo. This could be a rare species for it was first described in 2006. Details please check this page.

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 476.
2. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus & Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p166.
3. Family Cixiidae - Cixiid planthoppers - Fletcher, M.J. (2009 and updates). Identification keys and checklists for the leafhoppers, planthoppers and their relatives occurring in Australia and neighbouring areas (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha).  

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Last updated: March 29, 2012.