| | Green Face
Wattle Hopper - Hackerobrachys viridiventris
(former Olonia viridiventris)
Family Eurybrachyidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Green Face Wattle Hoppers that
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia

- Female, body length 11mm
- Green Face Wattle Hoppers can be found on wattle trees, either on leaves,
stems or tree trunk. They have the bright yellow-green frons and
green abdomen. The forewings are pale brown with veins in dark brown. There is
the small white mark towards the apex of the forewings. Hind wings are uniformly blackish brown.
Legs are all brown in colours.

- Female abdomen is bright green in colour. The face of the head is also brightly yellow-green.

- Male look about the same and less colourful.



- In Brisbane two planthopper species can be found on wattle stems. This species is less common
than the Spider-face
Wattle Hopper, although still not too difficult to find.

Face changed yellow
- On Oct 2007, we found one adult, believed was a female, with bright yellow
face. Its powder-green abdomen was large. It could be about to lay eggs on the tree trunk.

- In above photos the planthopper shows the bluish-green and yellowish-green
the abdomen. The white abdomen tip indicated the female is about to lay

- Most hoppers lay eggs on large tree trunk covered and protected with white
powder materials. However, those eggs are still subjected to the parasite
by wasps.
The Nymph
- Those nymphs were found on the same host-plant with adults. They usually
were found resting on stems or leaves.

The Host Plants
- Black Wattle

- Acacia leiocalyx subsp. leiocalyx, family Mimosaceae
- Golden Wattle

- Acacia fimbriata, family Mimosaceae
- Golden Wattle flowering in winter
- Reference and Link:
- 1. Hackerobrachys viridiventris Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and
- 2. Hackerobrachys viridiventris (Stål) - Fletcher, M.J. (2009 and updates). Identification keys and checklists for the leafhoppers, planthoppers and their relatives occurring in Australia and neighbouring areas (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha).
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