
Treehoppers and Planthoppers

Common Spittlebug
Black Spittlebug 
Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers
Mottled White Leafhopper
Black Leafhopper
Yellow and Black Leafhopper
Brown Leafhopper1
Brown Leafhopper 2 
Common Jassid
Two-lined Gum-treehopper
Punctata Gum-treehopper
Pulchra Gum-treehopper
Mottled-brown Treehopper
Yellow-brown Treehopper
She-oak Treehopper
Paperbark Treehopper 
Penthimiin Leafhopper 

Lantana Treehopper
Banksia Treehopper
Green Horned Treehopper
Tri-horned Treehopper

Cixiid Planthopper 1
Cixiid Planthopper 2
Cixiid Planthopper 3
Fulgoridae- Lantern Flies
Green and Black Lantern Fly 1
Green and Black Lantern Fly 2
Long0nosed Lantern fly
Issid Planthopper
Mango Planthopper
Pink Planthopper
Green Mottled Planthopper 
Eurybrachyid Biology 
Green Red Wattle Hopper
Green Face Gum Hopper
Eye-patterned Gum Hopper 1
Eye-patterned Gum Hopper 2
White-marked Gum Hopper 1
White-marked Gum Hopper 2
Ripple-marked Gum Hopper
Spider-face WattleHopper
Green Face WattleHopper
Dardus Wattle Hopper
Unknown Eurybrachyid
Palm Planthopper 
Passion-vine Hopper
Brown Ricaniid Planthopper

Other Hoppers


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The World's Largest Leafhopper - Ledromorpha planirostris

Family Cicadellidae, Subfamily Ledrinae, Tribe Ledrini

This page contains pictures and information about The World's Largest Leafhoppers that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Ledromorpha planirostris, (Cicadellidae: Ledrinae: Ledrini), body length 28mm  
This is the world's largest leafhopper. It is a female and the abdomen is greatly elongated by the large ovipositor. It is believed that there is only the female (yes, no male, also known as parthenogenetic) in this species. The leafhopper has the head largely expanded towards the front. It is brown in colour with varies patterns on body.
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On Feb 2009, We found this large leafhopper the first time in the bushland near Tingalpa Reservoir. It was on tree trunk of a large Scribble-bark gum tree. We thought we saw something interesting on the tree trunk but checked carefully it was just a pieces of small bark. We were about to go away but just to make sure by disturbed it with a stick. It held tight on the tree trunk and we thought it could be a spider underneath. Checked again very very carefully and found that it was a leafhopper. The large leafhopper did not move a bit even it was disturbed.  
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Nymph, body length 20mm
The nymphs were more often seen than the adults. They are quite common on smooth bark gum trees during summer time. However, they are very well camouflage, to spot them will need some patience.   
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This nymph was almost invisible on the gum tree trunk in Cotton Hill during mid summer. When we move closer to it, it ran quickly around the tree trunk. Its body was extremely flat and make no shadow at all. 
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Nymph, body length 15mm 
They sometimes found with head facing upwards and sometimes downwards.
We suspected  some of the nymphs showing in this page could be belonged to the other species - Black Flat-head Leafhopper.

Reference and links:
1. Ledromorpha planirostris (Donovan) - Checklists of Australian and New Zealand, By MURRAY J. FLETCHER, 2009 
2. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 470.
3. Species Ledromorpha planirostris (Donovan, 1805) - Australian Faunal Directory, Australian Biological Resources Study, 2008. 

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Last updated: July 09, 2009.