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- This page contains pictures and information about Processionary Caterpillar Parasitic Fly that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body
length 8mm
- This medium size fly is grey
in colour with short hairs
covering the eyes. We found this fly a few times associated with the Processionary
- The
moths and caterpillars are protected by their dense long itch hairy and scale.
The caterpillars are further protected by their silk bag shelter and habits.
They do not have many predators. However, scientists do found that they are
subjected to parasite by Tachinid Fly.

Scientists found the pupa cases of Tachinid Fly inside their bag-shelter. From
reference information, Processionary Caterpillars is parasite by the Tachinid
Fly Carcelimyia dispar (Diptera: Tachinidae: Goniinae).

- We took the photos in this
page when observing the Processionary Caterpillars. There was
the Tachinid Fly very interested and watching the small
caterpillars. It is believed that the Tachinid Fly lays eggs on leaves and
those eggs which enters the caterpillars body while they are feeding
- When observing the
caterpillar bag-shelter, we also saw saw those Tachinid
Processionary Caterpillar Parasite
- On May 2009, we collected some matured Processionary
Caterpillars. We put them in a small tank. Inside we put a thick layer
of sand covered with plant materials. Those caterpillars hide under the
plant materials. Nothing happen for a long time.

- Processionary
Different pupa
- On early next year, we found some Tachinid
Flies and some Processionary
Caterpillar adult moths emerged.

- Healthy moth pupa empty
Parasited moth pupa empty
Tachinid pupa cases
- Those pupa were found just under top surface of the sand layer.

- Tachinid Flies
- Please also visit our More about Tachinid
Flies page for more information on caterpillar
- Reference:
- 1. A revisionary classification of the Rutiliini (Diptera: Tachinidae), : with keys to the described species - R. W. Crosskey, British Museum (Natural History),
Bulletin, Entomology, Supplement 19, 1973.
- 2. A conspectus of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of Australia, including keys to the supraspecific taxa and taxonomic and host catalogues - R. W. Crosskey, British Museum (Natural History),
Bulletin, Entomology, Supplement 21, 1973.
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- [ Up ] [ Grey Tachinid Fly I ] [ Australian Leafroller Tachinid ] [ Cylindrical Tachinid Fly ] [ Blue Hairy Tachinid Fly ] [ Black Hairy Tachinid Fly ] [ Grey Tachinid Fly II ] [ Processionary Caterpillar Parasitic Fly ] [ Grey Tachinid Fly III ] [ Grey Tachinid Fly IV ] [ Grey Hairy Tachinid Fly ] [ Small Grey Hairy Tachinid Fly ] [ Grey Tachinid Fly V ] [ Grey Tachinid Fly VI ]
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