
White-spotted Pintail Beetle
Black Pintail Beetle
Wedge-shaped Beetle
Brown Darkling Beetle
Black Darkling Beetle
Ground Darkling Beetle
Chalcopterus Beetle II
Chalcopterus Beetle III
Pie-dish Beetle
Darth Vader Beetle
White-edged Darkling Beetle
Blue Darkling Beetle
Black Comb-clawed Beetle
Dark Green Comb-clawed
Striped Comb-clawed Beetle
Blown Comb-clawed Beetle
Green Comb-clawed Beetle
Bark Comb Clawed Beetle
Grey Comb-clawed Beetle  
Lycid-mimic Pollen Beetle
Bi-colour Pollen Beetle 
Blister Beetles  


Subfamily Tenebrioninae - True Darkling Beetles

Family Tenebrionidae

This page contains information and pictures about Darkling Beetles in Subfamily Tenebrioninae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Tribe Amarygmini - True Darkling Beetles

Beetles in this tribe are dark colours with metallic reflections. There are nine striae on elytra (longitudinal lines on wing-cover). 
Chalcopterus Beetle I
Chalcopteroides sp., Amarygmini, body length 20mm
This beetle is black in colour. It is shiny in metallic green or red depend on the angle you look at it. We took this picture in a forest near Wivenhoe Lake in late summer 2002. The beetle was resting on a gum tree trunk. Here we like to thank Mr. Justin Bartlett in Brisbane. Justin sent us email to identify this beetle. Justin also advised that there are many similar looking species in this genus that are commonly found on, and under bark of Eucalyptus. They are all black with an iridescent sheen.
1. Chalcopteroides brevipes (Blackburn) - Australian Insect Common Names, AICN version 1.53, CSIRO 2005. 
2. Chalcopteroides Strand, 1935 - Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2007.  
Chalcopterus Beetle II
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Chalcopteroides sp., Amarygmini, body length 20mm
Pictures were taken next to Bulimba Creek in Sunnybank just before Christmas Dec 2007. There are many similar looking species in this Chalcopteroides genus that are commonly found on, and under bark of Eucalyptus. They are all black with an iridescent sheen. One distinct feature of this genus is its head held vertically against its body. Please check this page for more information.
Chalcopterus Beetle III
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Amarygmus sp., Amarygmini, body length 20mm
Found under bark of Eucalyptus during early summer and mid summer in Karawatha Park. They like to hide on a smooth gum tree trunk under loose barks. Please check this page for more pictures and information.

Tribe Heleini - Flat Darkling Beetles

Beetles in tribe Heleini are large in size and some are flattened. The antenna 3rd segment is about the same length of 4th and 5th segments combined. 
Pie-dish Beetle
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Pterohelaeus sp. (P. walkeri,  P. cornutus or P. piceus), Heleini, body length 20mm
This beetle was found walking on ground in our front yard during the day on March 2008. We took it inside our house and took some photos. We kept it for a day and let it back to our front yard. Please visit this page for more infromation.

Tribe Cyphaleini 

Beetles in this subfamily have stout body. 
Darth Vader Beetle
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Hemicyclus reaumuri,  body length 20mm
The beetle is hemispherical in body shape and metallic black with green and purple reflections, which looks like the head of Darth Vader in Star War. We call it Darth Vader Beetle. Please check this page for more pictures and information.
White-edged Darkling Beetle
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? Nyctozoilus or Cyphaleus sp.,  body length 22mm
We found this beetle once in Ford Road Conservation Area on Jan 2009. The beetle was climbing up on a large gum tree trunk. When we took a few photos, it drop onto the ground. We put it back on the tree trunk again it quickly climbed up to the tree top. Please check this page for more information.
Blue Darkling Beetle
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? Nyctozoilus sp.,  body length 20mm
We found this beetle in Karawatha Forest on Dec 2010. It was wandering on gum tree trunk. We have more pictures and information in this page.

1. TENEBRIONIDAE - Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2007.
2. A guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia Part.5 - Matthews, E.G. 1987, p.6.
3. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009. 
4. A Guide to the Beetles of Australia - George Hangay and Paul Zborowski, CSIRO PUBLISHING April 2010, p176.
5. Classification, relationships and distribution of the genera of Cyphaleini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) - Matthews, E.G. 1992, Invertebrate Taxonomy 6: 437-522.
6. Classification, relationships and distribution of the genera of Heleini (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae) - E.G. Matthews, 1993, Invertebrate Taxonomy 7(5) 1025 - 1095.
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Last updated: March 21, 2012.