Common Anthelid Moth  
Western Anthelid Moth 
Hairy Mary Caterpillar
Eyespot Anthelid Moth 
Yellow-headed Anthelid
Rose Anthelid Caterpillar
Wattle Moth Caterpillar
Anthelid Caterpillars
Anthelid Cocoons  


Unknown Lasiocampid Caterpillar 2 - ? sp.

FAMILY Lasiocampidae 

This page contains pictures and information about Unknown Lasiocampid Caterpillars that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Body length 40mm 
This caterpillar is very common in Brisbane Eucalypt forests. We are not sure if this is a Snout Moth Caterpillar. Please advise if you know any the this caterpillar. 
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We found and tried to raise this caterpillar a few times but no luck still.
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Pictures were taken mostly in Karawatha Forest. 
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Up ] She-Oak Moth Caterpillar ] Gumtree Snout Moth I ] Gumtree Snout Moth II ] Gumtree Snout Moth III ] Porela Snout Moth ] Unknown Lasiocampid Caterpillar 1 ] [ Unknown Lasiocampid Caterpillar 2 ]

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Last updated: October 14, 2011.