Common Anthelid Moth  
Western Anthelid Moth 
Hairy Mary Caterpillar
Eyespot Anthelid Moth 
Yellow-headed Anthelid
Rose Anthelid Caterpillar
Wattle Moth Caterpillar
Anthelid Caterpillars
Anthelid Cocoons  


Unknown Anthelid Cocoons

Family Anthelidae

This page contains pictures and information about Unknown Anthelid Cocoons that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Cocoon length 40mm 
Caterpillars pupate in a double-walled cocoon of silk, usually mixed with the caterpillars' hairs. Those cocoon are often found on host trees, among leaves or under loose bark. They can also be found under log or stone. 
The pupate in a woven cocoon, oval or elongated. The cocoons are make of silk and often mixed with the caterpillars' hairs.
Please advise if you known what are they.   

Unknown Anthelid Cocoon I
PC9_1126.jpg (286757 bytes) PC9_1127.jpg (328092 bytes) PC9_1129.jpg (337763 bytes)
Unknown Anthelid Cocoon II
PC9_1321.jpg (244539 bytes)
Unknown Anthelid Cocoon III
DSC_6561.jpg (281024 bytes) DSC_6562.jpg (242236 bytes)
Please advise if you known what are they.  



Up ] Common Anthelid ] Western Anthelid Moth ] Hairy Mary ] Eyespot Anthelid Moth ] Yellow-headed Anthelid Caterpillar ] Rose Anthelid Caterpillar ] Wattle Moth Caterpillar ] Unknown Anthelid Caterpillars ] [ Unknown Anthelid Concoons ]

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Last updated: September 22, 2011.