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Snout Moths - Family Lasiocampidae
Order Lepidoptera
- This
page contains pictures and information about moths and caterpillars in family Lasiocampidae
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Snout Moth Caterpillar
- The Caterpillars of this family are medium to large size, usually have
flat body. Most of them are hairy with short dense hairs. Most have a pair of dorsal glands on abdomen.
Many have flaps of skin overhanging their prolegs. They like to lie along
twig and camouflage as part of the twig during the day. They feed on
leaves during the night. Most species caterpillars feed on
leaves of myrtaceous plants. They pupate in silk cocoon. The
Lasiocampid cocoons are usually large and tough but clear of caterpillar's
- Male with board pectinate antenna
Female and male
- The adult moths in family Lasiocampidae
are large in size. They have woolly and stout body and most are pale
orange brown to grey in colours. They have elongated mouth parts
which makes them look like they have long noses, hence their name Snout
Moths. However, adults in this family do not feed. The males are fast-flying moths while the females have larger
sluggish body. Males have board pectinate antenna which bent in the middle.
Females have narrower pectinate antenna. When rest, they like to hide their antenna under wings.
They hold the board wings roof-wise back over body. They are mostly active at
night and often come to light.
- There are two sub families, the Gastropachinae and Lasiocampinae.
Subfamily Gastropachinae
- There is only one genus Pernattia in this subfamily Gastropachinae.
- She-Oak Moth Caterpillar

- Pernattia pusilla, length 20mm
- The caterpillar has large head with black and white hair. The body is
brown in colour with two small red knobs on the back
of each segment. There are the black tuft of hairs on the back of abdominal
segments one and seven. It feeds on various species of She-Oak (Casuarina)
Australian Pine. Please check this page
for more information.
Subfamily Lasiocampinae
- Gumtree Snout Moth I

- Entometa apicalis, male wingspan
70mm female wingspan
- The adult moths are large, hairy and stout, have elongated mouth parts,
which makes them look like they have long noses, hence their name "Snout
Moths". Please visit this page for more
pictures and information.
- Gumtree Snout Moth II

- Entometa fervens, caterpillar length 60mm, adult wingspan 60mm, subfamily LASIOCAMPINAE
- This is a large caterpillar has a pair of dorsal glands on abdominal
segment eight and a pair of erectile on the metathorax. The caterpillar feeds
on Eucalyptus. The adult moth is pale brown in colour with brawn dots pattern. Its hind wings
are pale orange. It has a snout body. More pictures and information please
click on here.
- Gumtree Snout Moth III
- Entometa sp. body length 30mm
- We found the cocoon on July 2010 on gumtree leaves. The moth came out from
the cocoon a week later. Please check this page
for more information.
- Porela Snout Moth

- Porela sp., body length male 20mm, female 30mm
- Male and female of this species are different in size but similar in
colours. This pair of moths were found on the door steps in front of our
office in Eight Mail Plains. The door steps were under a fluorescent
lamp. Please check this page for more
- Unknown Lasiocampid Caterpillar 1

- ? sp., length 30mm
- We believed this is a Snout Moth Caterpillar but do not know the ID. Please advise if you know any the above
this caterpillar. Please check this page for
more infromation.
- Unknown Lasiocampid Caterpillar
- ? sp., length 30mm
- This caterpillar is very common in Brisbane Eucalypt forests. We are not
sure if this is a Snout Moth Caterpillar. Please advise if you know any the this
caterpillar. Please check this page
for more information.
- Reference:
- 1. A Guide to Australian Moths - Paul Zborowski, Ted Edwards, CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2007,
- 2. Moths
of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press, 1990,
of Australia - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley,
- 4. Northern
Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
- 5. Lasiocampidae - Graeme's Insects of Townsville, Australia, 2011.
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