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- The Melyrids in subfamily Malachiinae are bi-colours with bright colours in
orange-red, yellow, blue or black. Some of them have short wing-covers could
be confused with Rove Beetles, however Rove
Beetles are seldom in bright colours.

- Photo thank to Trevor Jinks, Gold Coast
- Adults and larvae of
Malachiinae are predator or/and scavenger, although some adults also feed on
- Red
and Blue Beetle, Pollen Beetle
Dicranolaius bellulus, subfamily Malachiinae, body length 8mm
- The beetle is bright red in
colour with four metallic blue spots on the elytra. The above pictures were taken during mid summer. This
beetle is partly predacious. They search over plants during the day. They eat eggs,
larvae and other slow-moving insects. On rice crops, they have been found feeding
on pollen. The egg, larval and pupa stages are in the soil. Please also visit
this page for more information.
- Red
Soft-winged Flower Beetle
 - Balanophorus
sp., subfamily Malachiinae, body length 10mm
- Pictures were taken on mid-summer Dec 2008 in
Karawatha Forest. It was climbing up the tree on a partly burnt Paperbark Tree
trunk. The beetle is orange-red in colour with black patterns. Its
antenna is flabellate. Check this page
for more infromation.
- Yellow Soft-winged Flower Beetle
 - Carphurus
sp., subfamily Malachiinae, body length 10mm
- We
saw this Beetle once in Yugarapul
Park on OCT 2007. It was examining the scale insects. We were not sure if the
beetle was interesting on the honey-dew produced by the Lerps
Insects or feeding on the Lerps Insects. Please click on here
for more information.
- We had wrongly put some of the Melyrids in Rove
Beetles page.
- Here we would like to thank Boris Büche, Berlin/Germany, for
sending us emails and advised the mistakes.
- Reference:
- 1. Carphurus pallidifrons - Morwell National Park Online, 2005.
- 2. A guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia Part.6 - Matthews, E.G.
1992, p5.
- 3. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p 647.
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