Owl Moths
Discolor Noctuid Moth
Grass SemiLooper Moths
Pink Line Looper Moth
Black Triangle Moths
4-Triangled Noctuid
Round-eyed Striped Noctuid
Rectangular-striped Noctuid
Triangular-striped Moth


Pink-banded Looper Moth - Mocis sp.

Family Noctuidae, subfamily CATOCALINAE

This page contains pictures and information about Pink-banded Looper Moths that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Wingspan 45mm
The moth is brown in colour with a pinkish-brown band across each forewing. Under the band there is a line of black dots. 
wpe1B.jpg (32711 bytes) DSCN3911.jpg (357799 bytes) wpe19.jpg (41557 bytes)
Caterpillar length 50mm
In late winter 2004, we found a caterpillar on a tall grass in Wishart bushland. We collected it home with some grasses. One day later, it pupated on a grass leaf. Two week later it become a Triple-banded Moth. 
We found this moth in bush once. 

1. Mocis trifasciata - The Barcode of Life Data System (,2011.  

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Last updated: November 30, 2011.