This page contains information and pictures about Lycid-mimicking Beetles that
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 20mm

- The beetle about to fly away. We can see its hind wings which are
normally folded under the forewings cover. Beetles only use their hind wings
for flying. The harden forewings are used as the protection to their hind wings
and abdomen. When fly, the forewings are just open and have no or very minor
aero-dynamic effect.
- Reference:
[ Up ] [ Phoracanthini ] [ Hesthesini ] [ Large Brown Longicorn Beetle ] [ One-banded Longicorn ] [ Decora Longicorn ] [ Flower Longicorn ] [ Ant-mimicking Longicorn ] [ Bamboo Tiger Longicorn Beetle ] [ Lycid-mimicking Beetle ]