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- This page contains information and pictures about Flower Longicorn Beetles that
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 20mm
- This beetle is also known as Tiger Longicorn Beetle. Its forewings are bright orange-brown in colour with black
pattern. Those pattern mimic the abdomen and 'waist' of a wasp. Besides
they look like a wasp, they move like a wasp too.

- Even we saw this beetle a few
times, we still think we saw a wasp when we saw this beetle. For the above picture, we thought it was a
wasp moving on leaf searching for caterpillars.
- The first time we found the Flower Longicorn Beetle was near Wishart Outlook among the
Citrus tree leaf. After this we found them on flowering plants a few times.

- Their larvae feed on Royal Poinciana Trees (Delonix regia), pear trees and other trees.
- Notice its notched eyes and its antenna arising within
the notch. This is the characteristic of all longicorn beetles.

- This beetle is common in Brisbane gardens.

- The femur of each leg is swollen in the middle.
- The mating pair was found in Karawatha Forest on Dec 2005.
- Reference:
- 1. Wildlife
of Tropical North Queensland - Queensland Museum Publications 2000,
- 2. Aridaeus thoracicus (Donovan)
- Australian Insect Common Names, AICN version 1.53, CSIRO 2005.
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