| | Green
Longicorn Beetle - Platyomopsis nigrovirens (Rhytiphora nigrovirens)
- This page contains pictures and information about Green Longicorn Beetles
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland,

- Body length 20mm
- Most longicorn beetles are dull brown, this one is bright green in colour.
However, this beetle is very well camouflaged on its host plants.
- We found this beetle once in Daisy Hill near Buhot Creek on Apr
2008. It was found on Wild Passionfruit Vine Passiflora sp..
- Reference:
- 1. Wild
Plants of Greater Brisbane - Queensland Museum, 2003, p342.
- 2. Platyomopsis nigrovirens
- Australian Insect Common Names, Version 1.53, CSIRO.
- 3. Specimen Image Index - Insect Reference Collection Database - ICDB, Western Australian Department of Agriculture.
- 4. Insects of Australia - G Hangay and P German. New Holland.
Publishers, 2000, p77.
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