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Yellow-tipped Tigertail Dragonfly - Choristhemis flavoterminata


This page contains information and pictures about Yellow-tipped Tigertail Dragonflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They are also known as Slender Tigertails. 
Male, body length 47mm 
The Slender Tigerlet dragonflies are metallic black with yellow in colour. Wings are clear with light brown colour. The abdomen is as narrow as a damselfly. There is the yellow spot on end as the tail light.  Its eyes are emerald. 


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Female, body length 47mm
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Female look similar as the male except her round wings base. 


Male, body length 47mm                                       
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Yellow-tipped Tigertails can be easily found on Moolabin Creek and Oxley Creek in Brisbane. They fly slowly and usually glide about two to three meters about ground near the creek. They rest in vertical position, with body hanging downwards. When rest, they like to hide between plants about half a meter from ground.


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They can also be found along Bulimba Creek, wherever the creek side with small area of grassland. 
Notice that the hind wings of the male and female are slightly different. The males are with angulated base while the females with round base.
Male Slender Tigerlet wings 
Female Slender Tigerlet wings 
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1. The Australian Dragonflies - CSIRO, Watson, Theisinger & Abbey,1991, p232.
2. A Field Guide to Dragonflies of South East Queensland - Ric Nattrass, 2006, p70.
3. The Complete Field Guide to Dragonflies of Australia - CSIRO, Günther Theischinger and John Hawking, 2006, p206. 

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Last updated: May 18, 2013.