| Family PETALURIDAE - Petaltail DragonfliesThe Petaltail Dragonflies are considered to be the most primitive
dragonflies. There are fossils identified as this family from Jurassic Era, the
age of dinosaurs. There are about ten living species in this family. We have
five species in Australia, all in Petalura genera.
The NSW species Petalura
the West Australian species Petalura
the north Queensland species Petalura
the southeast Queensland species Petalura
litorea and
the very rare species Petalura
pulcherrima. All
Petaltails are very large in size. They have separated eyes like the Clubtails
family. Most of them are black or dark brown in colour. The pterostigmas
on their wings are very long. Their males have the
anal appendages enlarged like the petal, and this is why they are called.
Larva is semi-aquatic, mostly nocturnal, coming to the burrow entrance
to await their prey.
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