Crane Flies and Mosquitoes

DCX Crane Fly
Crystal-wing Crane Fly
Tiger Crane Fly
Genus Leptotarsus   
Yellow Fat Crane Fly
Orange Fat Crane Fly
Common Brown Crane Fly
Common Yellow Crane Fly
Dull-yellow Crane Fly
Long-black-nosed Crane Fly
Black Crane Fly
Dotted-wing Crane Fly
Spider Web Crane Fly 
Salt Marsh Mosquito
Predatory Mosquito
Yellow Midge 
Green Midge
Grey Midge 
March Flies 

Unknown Flies

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Yellow Fat Crane Fly - Leptotarsus (Pseudoleptotarsus) liponeura

Family Tipulidae

This page contains pictures and information about Yellow Fat Crane Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 15mm
This Crane Fly is quite large, yellow body with black patterns. Its wings are tinted in dark colour with yellow spots. Its legs are black and very long, relatively strong compare with other crane flies.
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We saw this fly in Karawatha Forest during mid summer, Dec 2006. 
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On wings veins M1 and M2 fused.  
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This fly seems like to rest on thin grasses near the ground. It is not a very good flier.  
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Get Caught by Robber Fly

The Golden Robber Fly seems specially targeting the Yellow Crane Fly. We saw a few times that the Golden Robber Fly was feeding on the Yellow Crane Fly. 
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1. Insects of Australia - CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p741.
2. The Tipulidae (Diptera) of Australia. VII.* The genus Leptotarsus Guérin: The sugenera Leptotarsus s.str. and Pseudoleptotarsus Alexander - 1972, NV Dobrotworsky, Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 20(16) 11 - 43.

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Last updated: March 26, 2013.