Semi-punctated Belid
Sutural Belid
Brown Belid
Red Weevil
Brown Leaf-rolling Weevil
Tiny Black Weevil
Straight-snouted Weevil 
Adelognatha/ Entiminae
Wattle Pig
Fruit-tree Root Weevil
Grey Root Weevil
Peanut Weevil
Black Short Rostrum Weevil
Swamp Banksia Weevil
White Short Rostrum Weevil
Black Short-nosed Weevil 
Diamond Weevil
Black Detritus Weevil
White-headed Weevil I
White-headed Weevil II 
Black Gum Tree Weevil
Grey Gum Tree Weevil
White Gum Tree Weevil 
Tin Strawberry Weevil 
Eucalyptus Weevil I
Eucalyptus Weevil II
Eucalyptus Weevil III
Eucalyptus Weevil I V
Eucalyptus Weevil V
Eucalyptus Weevil VI
Eucalyptus Weevil VII  
Elephant weevil
Backward-nosed Weevil 1
Backward-nosed Weevil 2
Backward-nosed Weevil 3 
Long-nosed Weevil
Black Round-eyed Weevil
Citrus Leafeating Weevil 
Unknown Weevils 


Wattle Pig - Leptopius maleficus or Leptopius nodicollis


This page contains information and pictures about Wattle Pig Weevils that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia
Body length 20mm
Leptopius is a large genus. All Leptopius are called Wattle Pigs. We easily found this weevil feeding on different species of wattle leaves during summer season. They are slow moving and not quite response to our disturbance. 
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We found the above weevil in Karawatha Park during early simmer. 
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We found the above weevil in Karawatha Park on wattle leaf during early simmer. They feed on different species of wattles, including the Black Wattle
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Pictures taken on Feb 2008 near the Lagoon in Karawatha Forest. 
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Body length 10mm
Pictures taken in Alexandra Hill during mid summer. This weevil was smaller in size and could be the male of this species.
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1. Australian Weevils - Zimmerman, E.C., CSIRO PUBLISHING, 1991, Plate 195/196.
2. A Guide to the Beetles of Australia - George Hangay and Paul Zborowski, CSIRO PUBLISHING April 2010, p216.
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Last updated: April 19, 2011.