Semi-punctated Belid
Sutural Belid
Brown Belid
Red Weevil
Brown Leaf-rolling Weevil
Tiny Black Weevil
Straight-snouted Weevil 
Adelognatha/ Entiminae
Wattle Pig
Fruit-tree Root Weevil
Grey Root Weevil
Peanut Weevil
Black Short Rostrum Weevil
Swamp Banksia Weevil
White Short Rostrum Weevil
Black Short-nosed Weevil 
Diamond Weevil
Black Detritus Weevil
White-headed Weevil I
White-headed Weevil II 
Black Gum Tree Weevil
Grey Gum Tree Weevil
White Gum Tree Weevil 
Tin Strawberry Weevil 
Eucalyptus Weevil I
Eucalyptus Weevil II
Eucalyptus Weevil III
Eucalyptus Weevil I V
Eucalyptus Weevil V
Eucalyptus Weevil VI
Eucalyptus Weevil VII  
Elephant weevil
Backward-nosed Weevil 1
Backward-nosed Weevil 2
Backward-nosed Weevil 3 
Long-nosed Weevil
Black Round-eyed Weevil
Citrus Leafeating Weevil 
Unknown Weevils 


Adelognatha, Subfamily Entiminae - Broad-nosed Weevils


This page contains information and pictures about Broad-nosed Weevils in subfamily Entiminae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia
Broad-nosed Weevil
Entiminae commonly referred to as the Adelognatha. Adults of this subfamily are characterized by having a relatively short and stout rostrum, boarder at the tip. They are from moderate to large size. The larvae usually live in soil and feed on root of host plants.
Early summer females lay eggs on leaves. The grubs hatch and crawl down the trunk to the roots, where they commence to feed. The grubs pupate during late winter in soil. Adults come out during early summer. They crawl up the tree and feed on young leaves. They find mates and start a new life cycle.

Wattle Pig Weevil
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Leptopius maleficus or Leptopius nodicollis, body length female 20mm, male 15mm
All Leptopius are called Wattle Pigs. However, not all Leptopius feed on wattle. We easily found many of them feeding on different species of Acacia leaf during summer season. For more information and pictures please click on here.
Fruit-tree Root Weevil
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Leptopius robustus, body length 10mm 
Please also check this page for more infromation on this weevil. 
Grey Root Weevil 1
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Leptopius sp., body length 20mm  
We sometimes found the weevil on Red Ash and gum leaf, as shown in the above pictures. Please check this page for details.
Grey Root Weevil 2 
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Leptopius sp., body length 10mm  
We found this grey-black weevil (above picture) in Griffith University Nathan Campus in mid winter 2002. It was sun bathing in side the Grass Tree. It was dark grey in colour. After we took a few pictures, it dropped on to the ground.
Peanut Weevil
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Leptopius sp., body length 10mm
Above pictures was taken in Karawatha Forest in mid summer. This weevil was always found on Ironbark gum trees. Please check this page for more information.
Black Short Rostrum Weevil
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Asceparnodes duplicatus, body length 8mm
Picture taken in Karawatha Forest during early summer. Please check this page for more details.
Swamp Banksia Weevil
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? Asceprnodes sp., body length 10mm, male and female
We found this mating couple on a Swamp Banksia leaf in Alexandra Hill during mid summer. More pictures and information please click on here
White Short Rostrum Weevil
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Myllocerus sp., body length 12mm
Pictures taken on Nov 2007 in Yugarapul Park next to Bulimba Creek. Please check this page for more information.
Black Short-nosed Weevil
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? Polyphrades sp., body length 12mm
This weevil is dark brown in colour. Picture taken in Alexandra Hill during early summer. Please click on here for more information.

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p 682.
2. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus & Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p241.
3. Beetles of Australia - Trevor J Hawkeswood, Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1987, p173.
4. Australian Insects, An Introductory Handbook - McKeown, K.C., Royal Zoological Society., Sydney, 1945, p158.
5. A Guide to the Beetles of Australia - George Hangay and Paul Zborowski, CSIRO PUBLISHING April 2010, p215.
6. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009. 
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Last updated: April 23, 2011.