| | Garden Jumping Spider -
Opisthoncus sp.
This page contains pictures and information about Garden Jumping Spiders that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 10mm
- This jumping spider is common in Brisbane gardens and backyards. They are
usually found hunting on board green leaves during the days.

- The spider is brown in colour with
white pattern on its abdomen and thorax. Patterns may be vary between individuals.

- Jumping Spider hunts by jumping onto its prey, usually from a higher leaf
to a lower leaf. The spider can even capture a flying target. The above pictures show the Jumping Spiders
captured a small fly and a Flower Spider.

- Jumping Spiders hunt by their vision during the day time. This Jumping
Spider just captured a mosquito.

- Jumping Spider can easily walk on the bottom side of a waxy leaf without any

- This spider is common in garden and backyard in Brisbane.

- This Jumping Spider builds retreat by partly rolling a leaf with silk.



- Reference:
- 1. Jumping spider
Opisthoncus sp. - The Find-a-spider Guide for Australian
Spiders, University of Southern Queensland, 2007.
- 2. Jumping spiders Family Salticidae - by Ed Nieuwenhuys,
26 November 2006.
- 3. Genus
Opisthoncus Koch L., 1880 - Salticidae: Diagnostic Drawings Library,
by Jerzy Proszynski 1997.
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