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This page contains pictures and information about Common Lynx Spiders that we found
in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Leg to leg 20mm
- Lynx Spiders are long legs spiders. They are medium in size. Lynx spiders are
common in Brisbane garden. They do not build web but hunt small insects
on plants.
- Female
Female with egg-sac
- Lynx Spiders have good vision although their eyes are relatively
small. They have eight eyes,
in the pattern four rows of two. The above pictures, left picture
shows a female and right picture shows a male. The male has larger pedipalps, which are used for transferring sperm
during mating.
- Lynx Spiders can be found on trees or grasses, usually on the top of the
short plants. They are active in day time
hunting small insects. They have slim body and long thin legs with spines. They are colourful with green-yellow, silver and
orange-brown bands along bodies. They hunt in the ways like a cat, i.e.,
slowly approach the prey and suddenly jump to it. This is why the spiders have their name Lynx.

- 14/03/2001 27/03/2001
- Above pictures showing the Lynx Spider guarding her eggs. Two weeks later
she was guarding her children. Parental care is common in spider world. Lynx Spiders do
not build web nor retreat but make egg sac on leaves.

- Their eyes have the characteristic pattern of four rows of two.

- The line patterns on those Lynx Spiders we found were either black or
orange-red, slightly different between individuals. Since they were found in the same place in our backyard,
we believed they are the same species in differents colour forms.

- Lynx Spiders are predators of small flying insects, including flies
and bees.



- Reference:
- 1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson
1969, p43.
- 2. Wildlife
of Greater Brisbane - Queensland Museum 1995, p31.
- 3. Oxyopes
(Orange Striped Lynx Spider) - Save Our Waterways Now.
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