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- This page contains pictures and information about Trapezia Crab Spiders that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Leg to leg 20mm
- This small spider rests on twig with legs pointing forward as a long

- We found it once in Sunnybank along the Bulimba Creek when it was hiding on a grass stem.

- The spider is pale brown in colour with trapezia shape abdomen.
- Reference:
- 1. Australian Spiders in colour - Ramon Mascord, Reed Books Pty
Ltd, 1970, p60
- 2. Sidymella
trapezia -
The Find-a-spider Guide for Australian
Spiders, University of Southern Queensland, 2007.
- 3. Sidymella trapezia (Trapezoid Crab Spider)
- Save Our Waterways Now.
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