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- This page contains pictures and information about Ground Hunting Spiders that we found
in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They are sometimes known as Ant
- Spiders in this family are small to medium in size. They are brown or dark
brown in colours with white or yellow spots pattern on abdomen. They are
usually found hunting on ground. The walk fast on the forest floor among the
plant materials. If disturbed, they hide under covers. Most of them are
active during the days.

- Eight eyes arranged in three rows of 2-4-2
- 9-dotted Ground Spider

- Habronestes hunti, body length 10mm
- We sometimes found this ground hunting spider in forest floor in mid
summer season. The spider is dark brown in colour with paler brown legs,
There are two row of three followed by one row of three yellow dots on its
abdomen. Please check this page for
more information.
- Meat Ant Mimicking Spider
- Storena sp., body length 10mm
- This ground hunting spider has the body colour scheme same as the Meat
Ants. The white pattern on it abdomen make it has the narrow ant's waist
look. This spider runs quickly on forest floor. Please check this page
for more information.
- 5-dotted Ground Spider

- Storena formosa, body length 12mm
- 1. Storena
formosa - The Find-a-spider Guide for Australian Spiders,
University of Southern Queensland, 2009.
- 2. Australian Spiders in colour - Ramon Mascord, Reed Books Pty Ltd,
1970, p104.
- Reference:
- 1. Family
ZODARIIDAE Thorell, 1881 - Australian Faunal Directory, Australian Biological Resources Study.
- 2. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson
1969, p46.
- 3. Australian Spiders in colour - Ramon Mascord, Reed Books Pty Ltd,
1970, p104.
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